Hence, we now know that we cannot say for sure that when a report says East, or West,
there is a huge possibility that they maybe talking of one direction when they actually
mean the other.
This possibility of error is increased even more when a person is
interviewing an eyewitness as the interviewer may think the eyewitness means one
direction and the interviewer confuses the direction... in effect doubling the chances
of this happening...
Take this into account when reading the next two accounts:
Matthew Hoy - Renae Wilkinson / Stroud Road
We lived at Stroud Road at the time.
I can remember hear a plane that sounded like
it was in trouble. We stood out on the side veranda we saw the lights of the plane
quite low towards the north west of us towards Monkerai then it disappeared behind
the hills.
It was somewhere around 8 pm
It was very low. It was a windy terrible night
and we heard it when we went outside. You could see the lights off into the distance
just above the hills then it disappeared behind the hill.
It was definitely not a
search plane. I think dad may have heard another plane later but I fell asleep.
was a noise I will never forget.
We didn't know a plane had disappeared until we reported
what we saw to the police the next day.
We heard it, then walked outside. Dad spotted
it and we probably saw it for a few minutes before it went over the hill.
I will check
with him to see what more he can recall.
From Stroud Road if I were to look on Google
Earth, the plane flew in a north westerly direction, or further north.... say more
north than west?
Yep more north than west.
Jesse Miller – D. Peters / Stroud Road
D. Peters of Stroud said that on the night
MDX disappeared he and his family were listening to the rain when they heard a buzzing
that got louder coming straight through his front door. It was to the north a ways
he said. It sounded like it was coming south for a bit and then turned west or south
west. He looked out the front and could see a beacon flashing - a red one he believes.
He noted the time to be 7:45 pm that night. He also stated it would of still been
in the hills to the north west of stroud... from Corner of Melntyre St and Karuah
St, Stroud Road.
Note that both of these reports say it went in a westerly direction, yet if you reverse
this direction to the east, suddenly these two reports make perfect sense and tie
in with the previous Reports... especially Donna Krane’s one!!!
To prove this, I was
fortunate enough to make contact with Renae Wilkinson and on her approval, she is
happy for me to name her... especially if it helps find these missing men!
This is
the relevant sections of my Facebook Messenger conversation with her:
1/ what was the street address in Stroud Road that you heard it from?
2/ Why do you
think it was making an unusual noise?
Hi Gavin, Our address was Reidsdale Road, Stroud
Road. It was the property just over the Kaurah River. We often used to get planes
flying over but this one was a lot louder than any other. The noise was like it was
really labouring if that makes sense?
Many thanks for replying Renae and so quickly.
I take it that it is the house shown in the bottom of the image here and I guess
the trees were not there then? Labouring hard makes sense. Some people said it sounded
like a buzzer (an out of the ordinary noise). Would that sound right, or just like
it was on a much higher power setting than the usual planes that flew over?
Yes thats the house
You know when a plane hits wind and the noise seems to change it was like that but just really loud
Was like it was being revved but not going anywhere type of sound
Yes, thanks, I understand. Leave me a few hours and using a bit of technology, I'll
send you back another Google Earth Image depicting where you saw it (without you
telling me) and where it disappeared behind the hill out of sight,. This will be
based on where I believe it flew and the course it took based on where I have tracked
it so far. If you say it is correct, then we'll know that I have it correct... if
that makes sense?
MDX pg 56