This Site is dedicated to all those families of the people that have tragically disappeared on flights in and around New Zealand. I  only hope that from all the effort in building this site and from all the effort of those taking part in this venture, that it will bear fruit in bringing ‘closure’ to their memories!
Gavin Grimmer
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This is the relevant part of Paul Beauchamp Legg’s map, (the pilot who was over-flying the area when the plane was seen) and he placed at the time the red dot inside the red circle to where he estimated they were at the time.

In Paul’s words, “ We were in a down-draught at the time and I had my work cut out trying to stay in the land of the living! Had it been finer weather, we would have gone back and had another look, but it was too dangerous.”

Paul said that the dot could be anything up to ¼ mile out.

At the time of writing this, the other party of two people (mentioned earlier) were at the site on the 24th January, 2011, and although they felt they had covered the area pretty well, they were unable to find anything. Their impressions were that either it is not there, or it is buried under moss, etc. Many thanks for their efforts.

My neighbour (Les O’Shea) and I are still intending to go in hopefully around the 7 - 8th Feb, and we intend searching down the side of the mountain roughly in the direction towards the Pilot’s estimate mark shown on the Google Earth image below. This will be a very difficult task due to the steepness - and one I’ve got mixed emotions about!

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When we get all the relevant information together, I intend publishing on this site the GPS tracks showing the places we have searched so that if anyone in the future wants to go in there, they will not waste time going over the same areas..... in the event that we don’t find it.....

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